Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Benefits of an Acid Reflux Disease Diet

by Kerry Ng

Like many sufferers of the acid reflux disease, you may be aware of many possible medications and lifestyle changes that can help you relieve your symptoms. One of these is to go eat an acid reflux disease diet. This will not only aid you to prevent and soothe the symptoms of acid reflux disease, but will also aid in improving your overall health, as the recommendations in any acid reflux disease diet are very beneficial to the body in general. You may also find that other digestive and health ailments are improved as a side effect of the acid reflux disease diet, which makes it a very good plan to try out for several reasons.
How to Plan Your Acid Reflux Disease Diet
The first thing to do is to stop eating foods that obviously make the symptoms worse. Examples of these are all foods that are very spicy, or contain a lot of pepper. Any foods, such as certain fruits and vegetables, that tend to cause you gas will also worsen your acid reflux. All of these will be avoided when trying to reduce acid reflux disease. You must pay attention to just what you cut out of your acid reflux disease diet, however, as you don't want to avoid all vegetables, but only the ones that cause you further pain.
To design your own acid reflux disease diet, notice what foods make your acid reflux worse, and try cutting them out. Do replace them with something of equal value nutritionally - unless of course they were bad for you in the first place! Eliminating alcohol, for example, is very useful in an acid reflux disease diet. Alcohol can almost always make acid reflux symptoms worse, as it tends to relax the esophageal sphincter, allowing even more stomach acids to reflux into the esophagus.
You will probably also find simply changing the timing of your meals helpful. Many people suffering from acid reflux find that eating several small meals instead of three large ones makes the stomach produce less acid after eating each meal, which helps reduce the symptoms.
An acid reflux disease diet will probably vary from person to person, depending on their likes and dislikes as well as their body's reactions to each food. You should make sure you are getting proper nutrition while following the diet plan. Check with your doctor before making any health-related lifestyle changes. Also try consulting with a nutritionist as well; he or she will be able to help you design a personalized acid reflux disease diet that not only helps ease the symptoms of acid reflux disease but also contains all the nutrients your body requires for optimal health.
About the Author
Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Acid Reflux Blog. Click here for more helpful information about Acid Reflux:

Thanks to Kerry Ng for this article.

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