Friday, August 31, 2007

A Bad Combination: High Fiber and Acid Reflux

by Rudy Silva

There is a little known bad effect of eating a high fiber diet. Most recommendation on the amount of fiber to eat is in the range of 30 to 40 gm per day. And as you age this becomes more important since high fiber diets help you remove excess cholesterol in the colon and help regulate your bowel movements. In addition, fiber helps to remove toxins from your colon and provide food for the good bacterial.
What you are not told about fiber is that fiber can bind with certain nutrients and minerals and they get tied up in your stools before they get absorbed into your blood stream. This condition can occur when your stomach acid gets weak. And the weaker it gets, higher values of pH - 3.5, 4, 5, and 6 - the more nutrients you lose to stool formation.
There are two situations where your stomach acid gets weak. First, as you age, your ability to create and release HCl acid from your stomach walls decreases. Second, at any age, if you take any type of drug to decreased your stomach acid strength in an effort to reduce acid reflux damage to your esophagus. Both these condition in combination with a high fiber diet lead to a more minerals tied up in chyme or stools.
Here's how you lose the minerals. Phytate, a chemical found in grains, cereal and seeds, and fiber easily combine with nutrients and minerals. This complex of phytate, fiber, and minerals - calcium, manganese, iron, copper, nickel, or zinc - are easily absorbed when your stomach acid is the natural value of ph 1 - 3. As your stomach acid weakens and the pH rises to 4, 5, 6, and even 7, the complex become more insoluble and not absorbable. To make matters worse is if you have plenty of calcium and magnesium in this complex, it will tie up other mineral and make them insoluble.
There is one other condition that occurs with weaken stomach acid. Digestion of protein is decrease leaving more undigested protein to move into the colon. It is this undigested protein and constipation that can lead to colon cancer, especially if the protein has been cured with nitrites.
Here's how to avoid becoming mineral deficient. Keep your diet high in fiber by eating raw fruits and vegetable. If you are over 50 and perhaps 60, your stomach acid has been on the decline. Taking HCl and pepsin tablets can overcome this condition. But to use these acid tablets you need to use them in a special way and that will be covered in another article.
If you have acid reflux avoid using acid neutralizers such as Tums or Rolaids. Avoid, also, taking acid blocking drugs such as Prilosec. These drugs play with your acid levels and make you more susceptible to mineral loss. There are natural remedies that can help you eliminate acid reflux and if you work with a nutritionist, he can help define a diet that will stop acid reflux safely.
About the Author
Rudy Silva, Nutritionist, has just written a special report on how you can eliminate and cure your heartburn, or acid reflux, using a natural diet and natural remedies. Go here to discover how you can eliminate your acid reflux: To get more tips and information on acid reflux go here: or at

Thanks to Rudy Silva for this article.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Natural Acid Reflux Treatments

by T. Houser

Drugs are not always the answer when dealing with acid reflux. Most people have forgotten that the drug "Propulsid" was pulled off the market several years ago after causing many deaths. Propulsid was used in the treatment of acid reflux. Even President Clinton used this drug.
Rather than rely on drugs to alleviate your acid reflux symptoms, using a natural methods are what this article will focus on. Drinking about a gallon of filtered water daily along with high doses of quality probiotics is a good start in restoring the normal stomach functions for most people. Ideally, you should drink enough water to keep your urine a light shade of yellow. If you suffer from acid reflux, you may need to drink more water in order to dilute the acid and get the pH level normalized in your stomach.
Now, what are probiotics? Probiotics are dietary supplements containing potentially helpful bacteria or yeast. Lactic acid bacteria are the common microbe used in these supplements. Lactic acid bacteria, has been used in the food industry for years because they convert sugars and other carbohydrates into lactic acid. This provides the sour taste in fermented dairy products such as yogurt. It also acts as a preservative by lowering the pH and thus causing fewer chances for organisms that cause spoilage to grow.
Probiotic bacteria cultures assist the human body's naturally occurring microorganisms, ccalled gut flora that normally live in the digestive tract. Sometimes, these Probiotics are recommended to patients by doctors and by nutritionists after taking antibiotics or as part of a treatment for stomach infections. Many people believe that probiotics strengthen the body's immune system. Maintaining healthy gut flora is dependant on plenty of factors especially on the quality of food eaten.
Other natural acid reflux treatments are the wormwood herb Artemisia asiatica or garlic. Artemisia asiatica supports healthy fungal and microbial balance. Garlic is a food that you should be eating everyday. Garlic has the ability to optimize bowel flora and kill pathogenic organisms such as H. pylori. This particular organism is the only bacterial organism in the stomach that stomach acid cannot kill.
However, the garlic must be fresh. Before eating it, you must chew or crush it with a spoon. If you swallow the cloves whole you will not convert the allicin in the garlic to its active ingredient. Allicin is a very powerful antibacterial and anti fungal agent found in garlic. Although allicin is not present in garlic in its natural state, when garlic is 'damaged' by cutting or crushing, the enzyme alliinase acts on the chemical alliin thus converting it into allicin. Allicin is not a very stable compound as it degrades slowly upon standing. Cooking destroys allicin quickly.
In conclusion, in order to get the true effects of allicin in garlic, you must chew or crush it right before consuming it.
About the Author
Thomas D. Houser

Thanks to T. Houser for this article.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Acid Reflux and Sleep Apnea

by T. Houser

Many people suffer sleep apnea and acid reflux at the same time. In Latin, apnea means 'without breath'. Sleep Apnea is a disorder where the person sleeping involuntarily stops breathing for approximately ten seconds. It can also last as long as a minute. During an occurrence of apnea, the muscles of the lungs do not move, this occurs several times throughout sleep. The typical symptoms of sleep apnea are snoring, constant tiredness and morning headache. Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease is a digestive disorder where the stomach acids enter the esophagus and cause damage to the mucus membrane. The burning sensation in the chest is the major symptom of the presence of stomach acid in the esophagus.
A link between chronic heartburn and sleeping disorders has existed for a long time. However, which comes first is unknown. There was a recent study done in Germany that found acid reflux symptoms develop in people that suffer sleep apnea three times more frequently than in normally healthy people. According to this study, it would appear that sleep apnea is that cause and heartburn is the side effect. Other experiments have shown that once the acid reflux disorders have stabilized, the symptoms of sleep apnea fade away completely or at least reduce considerably.
The burning, choking feeling as the stomach acid rises from the stomach up the esophagus. This is a feeling that will certainly keep you awake at night. In this case, it would be obvious that treating the acid reflux would go a long way in improving the quality of the sleep.
Sleep apnea more frequently occurs in older overweight men. Sleep Apnea also occurs in many infants, who suffer from these same symptoms. In order to avoid acid reflux symptoms it is a smart idea not to eat spicy foods and not to eat large meals especially two to three hours before bedtime. If you are hungry and must eat in that 2-3 hour range before bed then try fruits like pineapple or papaya. Crackers and a glass of warm milk are good for the digestive system as well.
Sleep apnea and chronic acid reflux are both associated with obesity. A diet that is heavy in sugar, fast food and fat will cause obesity. A proper healthy diet will go a long way in preventing both sleep apnea and acid reflux. Do not let stomach acid cause inflammation of the throat and larynx. If you avoid acid reflux then you just could be avoiding sleep apnea.
About the Author
Thomas D. Houser

Thanks to T. Houser for this article.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Licorice Root And Acid Reflux Disease

by Lee Dobbins

Licorice root, otherwise known as DGL is a natural herb that is used in many applications. It is also known as Yashti-Madhu, sweet root, Spanish licorice and Glycyrrhiza glabra. All forms are available widely on and off line. Licorice root is a natural supplement with expectorant properties. This can help with the release of damaged mucous lining caused by GERD which is why licorice root and acid reflux disease are sometimes mentioned together. With some properties of cortisone and estrogen, it also helps the body deal with stress.
Stress has not been shown to actually cause acid reflux, but it does typically heighten the symptoms to an extent. On the other hand, studies have shown that relaxation or stress relieving drugs, vitamins or minerals can significantly decrease the intensity of the symptoms.By process, since licorice root helps us deal with stress, it tends to keep the body in a more relaxed state. This lessens the effects of GERD.
Licorice root is chemically known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL. Most of it is produced in Greece, Turkey and Asia. It has been used for centuries as a folk treatment for many disorders including acid reflux disease. Many users say that it is pleasant to take as it has a naturally pleasing flavor. This makes DGL a favorite of many sufferes looking for relief from their symptoms.
Licorice root as an acid reflux disease remedy is not used as a cure, but as a pain reliever. Regular dosing of licorice is said to lessen the pain of GERD symptoms during flare ups. So by default, it is a preventive measure as well. Patients who use licorice root report that usually once a day is sufficient, but twice daily might be called for in severe cases. Licorice root is not normally used in cases where there is already severe damage to the esophagus lining. It is more widely used in sufferers with mild symptoms like heartburn and indigestion.
The important thing to know here is that using licorice root, with it's natural properties, is a good way to lessen the effects of GERD before they occur. DGL seems to have some effect on gastric acid production as well since it is widely used in the treatment of some types of stomach ulcers. In Japan, physicians have prescribed a man-made form of licorice to treat ulcer patients. While this treatment is not available in the USA, it has had some profound results in Japan.
A study was done on 100 patients that had not improved with conventional treatments. These patients were given the synthetic licorice for 6 weeks. Of these, 90 percent showed a pointed improvement. In 22 cases, the ulcers disappeared completely.
So even as a folk remedy or in a synthetic form, DGL or licorice root is shown to be effective as a pain reliever for GERD symptoms, as an effective preventive therapy and as an acid production reducer. All of these are good omens for the GERD sufferer.
As always, you should consult your physician before starting on a regimen of licorice root in any form. Some allergic reactions have been reported as well. So, to be safe, talk to your doctor to find out if a licorice root - acid reflux disease remedy is right for you.
About the Author
Get the latest on acid reflux disease by visiting - a website that offers information and articles on acid reflux symptoms and treatments as well as little known facts about acid reflux disease.

Thanks to Lee Dobbins for this article.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease

by Lee Dobbins

Just as there are many medical and pharmaceutical remedies for acid reflux or GERD, there are just as many natural remedies for acid reflux disease as well. Folk remedies have been around for a very, very long time. It is important to notice that while natural remedies are great for some people, they are not for others. As we always say on these types of subjects, "Seek out and do what is best for you, whatever it is."
If you prefer pharmaceutical means of relief, then by all means, go for it. However there are many protagonists of the natural health community that claim to have the answers. This article is about those natural remedies. I suggest you try them for yourself and see if they work for you. Trial and error is the best thing you can try.
Naturalists say that following a detoxification diet, drinking 1 gallon of filtered water daily and taking high doses of probiotics (good bacteria) can counteract acid reflux. A rule of thumb is that you should drink enough water daily to keep your urine a light yellow color. It is noted that the sufferer of acid reflux may need to drink more than that to lower the Ph levels in the stomach.
On probiotics, apparently there should be an 85% existence of probiotics in the digestive or intestinal system. Probiotics counter out the effects of the bad bacteria, which are present in everybody.
Still others list one of their favorite natural remedies for acid reflux disease as a herb called Artemisia Asiatica. Others swear by the use of fresh garlic as a preventive measure to GERD symptoms. The garlic should be smashed with a spoon before it is ingested to maximize the effect desired. Garlic is known to kill an organism called Helicobacter Pylori, or H. Pylori, in the intestinal tract. This is the only material in the stomach that cannot be neutralized by hydrochloric acid (HCL).
On the less technical side, there are simple every day natural remedies, too. The simple use of cinnamon on toasted raisin bread is popular. Cinnamon has an antiseptic property and is able to settle stomach acidity issues.
Chewing dried grapefruit skins is shown to help sufferers of GERD symptoms. Just dry them out on a plate and when you feel symptoms coming on, eat a few of these skins. How many you will need to ingest is dependent on your condition.
The minerals present in romaine lettuce are known to settle upset stomachs and lower acidity levels in the stomach.
A mixture of mace, nutmeg and slippery elm is very effective in relief of GERD symptoms. It is simply prepared by mixing these elements with distilled water and adding them to a pint of hot half and half. Drink this like tea when symptoms arise. You can keep some of this made ahead of time in the refrigerator. Just heat some up when you need it.
I always tell my readers to consult a physician before trying natural remedies for acid reflux disease. So please talk to your doctor on these items to ensure there is no negative interaction with any drugs you may take regularly now.
About the Author
Get the latest on acid reflux disease by visiting - a website that offers information and articles on acid reflux symptoms and treatments as well as more on acid reflux cures.

Thanks to Lee Dobbins for this article.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Acid Reflux Food Plan

by Tom Houser

The key to preventing acid reflux or heartburn is to get on a proper diet plan. Not only will it help you with your acid reflux symptoms it will help you get into better shape.
A proper food plan can also prevent other sorts of digestive problems that could be associated with acid reflux or heartburn.
It is important that you find the right plan that fits you. Knowing what foods to avoid is the key to preventing or relieving your acid reflux symptoms. Most acid reflux sufferers will find relief by eliminating the foods that cause them their acid reflux condition.
High fat foods such as fried foods, high fat dairy products and high fat meats. Foods high in acid are also large contributors of acid reflux. Foods high in acid content include citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruits and oranges. High acid vegetables include tomatoes and onions. There are drinks that cause acid reflux such as caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea. Soda pop can also contribute to acid reflux. If these types of foods and drinks cause your acid reflux symptoms then it is important that you eliminate them from your diet.
The importance of a proper food plan is imperative in controlling your acid reflux symptoms. It means that foods you really enjoy cannot be a part of your new food plan. Foods with a lot of spice and pepper are out. Fruits and vegetables that are gassy should not be in your food plan as well. Unfortunately, this means that some healthy choices are not a part of your food plan. Supplements can replace the gassy fruits and vegetables.
The safest beverages for the acid reflux sufferer are water, mineral water, no fat or low fat milk, decaffeinated tea or non-citrus juices. A diet high in fiber will usually lead to less acid reflux symptoms. Fiber is in whole grains, some fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. Unprocessed foods are the best foods to choose when considering an acid reflux food plan.
You may want to keep a food diary for a couple of weeks to keep track of what foods cause you acid reflux symptoms and what foods do not cause the symptoms.
Consult a Doctor or Nutritionist so they can advise a new food plan based on your findings from your two-week review period.
It is very important to consult your doctor before altering your diet. Find out whether you really have acid reflux or not. If you do have acid reflux then a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle will go a long way in relieving you of your acid reflux symptoms.
About the Author
Thomas D. Houser - Acid Reflux Treatments

Thanks to Tom Houser for this article.